
idk, I'm still trying to figure it out

that kinda wet their panties

maybe it was the surprise of us being just regular guys who like to chill

they expected us to either be rich snobs or gangsters

lol they said when they heard that a group of their son's friends are staying over

playing that trivia game may have sealed the deal

played it with the hot niece and the mom for the most part

it ended up being for that night at the friend's friend's house

I bought this amusing card game for our trip back to Cali

but they were very welcoming

we were really just supposed to hang out there for a bit

but my heart sort of melted at the gesture

maybe it was pity

really very weird that they'd just offer us to stay at their house

assuming we even get to stay

she might not even be there for the duration of our stay

just something that'll prevent anything to happen

or she's a minor, lol

I have a feeling she already has a boyfriend though

my other friend practically salivating over her