

couldn't go all the way and say 'cunt' because it was pg-13

oh, someone said "Juno's tit" in the movie


Emily Browning's sexy leg

idk lol

they should just go American and stop insulting us

lol, when portraying a character from antiquity, always speak with a British accent

and I don't think she knew how to deliver a British accent

my goodness she's aged

oh, Carrie Ann-Moss is in it as well

kind of like watching Fast and Furious movies

it's fun to watch, but that's about it

if anyone wants to see it, go ahead

eh, I feel like I'm spoiling the movie

looked and spoke like Glaber

there's a character that reminded me a lot of Glaber in the movie as well

or his stunt double, haha

Kit Harrington does the choreography really well, also

the fight scenes were actually pretty cool