
how could God let such terrible things happen to us?

but yeah, let me get back to the main question

man, I digress

but how the heck would he be able to write the book, right? lol

he survives btw, sorry if I may have spoiled it for someone

I don't quite remember what his opinion of God at the end of the book

like, how could God let something like this happen?

it really made him question God

babies.. murdered and watching his own father die

but anyway, he witnesses all kinds of horrible things

lol I feel like I'm not summarizing the book right, but w/e

which would also get him sent into the concentration camps

is a Jew, so of course he would believe in God

and in it, the narrator, who's also the protagonist of the book

I believe it was called 'Night'

I remember reading this book about the Holocaust


or at least just jot down somewhere instead of getting lost in my head again

but it's something I want to discuss because I feel it's important

it's not something I like to discuss because of the can of worms thing