
actually met her towards the tail end of my trip to Arizona

I've been thinking about this girl a lot lately


I should write something down

lol my personal fb the comment section now kthxbai

gettin' somethin' to eat

I'm hungry


there's that cynic in me again

I guess even when we've found 'the one'

us human beings are just never really satisfied

hope you don't get sick of your spouse in 20 years

so, all the best to my newlywed friends

with my parents divorcing and all

and I guess the notion is just ruined for me

because if I do get married, I want it to be for the rest of our lives

takes a very, very special woman for me to do that

I don't think I could ever get married

but the me feeling behind part isn't because of someone getting knocked up and hitched though, so meh

makes me feel like I'm behind