
Reposting my earlier post about Orange is the new Black. Don't want it buried underneath my sad pile of personal feelings posts

Gotta grow some balls

But I guess that's not enough for women out there

People tell me I'm handsome all the time

I need to get laid

Turning Spartacus Disqus into my personal diary, heh

I really have a hard time sharing my feelings with people.

Probably why shewasthesun does it. I got ya buddy

This is kind of therapeutic

Hey look, it's 3333 comments. That's a pretty number. :D

Not like my time is absolutely valuable though

But I did waste an hour and a half watching it, blegh

Sure am glad I never contributed financially to watching that filth

What a mess

I saw Grown Ups 2 today

I feel a bit exposed

Is this how it's done by shewasthesun?

Whew, quite a personal post pad

While my father has custody of the little sister

A new life is there for her