
Anutha Random Spartacus Analysis, you say?

@avclub-a6a946fbaecb91e1673d370aa16d3043:disqus  OH YEAH! That line was brilliant. Went something like..

Is it safe to say you account for at least half of the comments so far? Good show lol

The first true HOLY SHIT moment of the show on this one. 

Mine would be..

I thought B&S ep 8 felt a little more mellow compared to the last four or so eps that preceeded it. That doesn't mean it wasn't good, though. There was Spartacus schooling the injured Crixus, a nice switcheroo of roles from their much earlier tango way back in ep 2. The Segovax story was both intriguing and sad. The

Haha, Agron being revealed as gay made me think of that scene too. I guess it wasn't jealousy Agron was feeling when he saw the horsecock.

Damn, I missed the milestone

Andy Whitfield's Spartacus' shout at the end of the ep.

Two men (actually, three, including poor Pietros) having their freedom stiffies, then having them shrink all in one episode. Damn.

Yet another Random Spartacus Analysis:

To be honest, episode 6 or 7 of B&S were the first or second episodes I saw of the show, and not any of the first 5 before it. From that scrambled experience, I saw Batiatus as a rather honorable and generous Roman. Finding out immediately that he was responsible for Sura's death was quite the shocker, not only for

What would you do, to hold your wife again? To feel the warmth of her
skin, the taste of her lips? How many comments would you post? A hundred? A
thousand? There stands but 72 between you and her.

I think she was. I guess she was melted by the half-assed flattery by Crixus. Or probably the way he fucks.

Well, all four eps have their glorious moments, but as whole episodes themselves, I only liked the second episode after rewatching.

Omg… it's not too late??

We need just enough for 1,000 comments! Preferably with cunts as well as cocks.

Blood rains down from an angry sky..

I've been lurking around this site for a while now also, and this show is the only one that has spurred me to comment on it. The passion I have for this show is just so immense that there must be a release.

Just got around to watching the first four eps of B&S. Hate to be honest, but for the most part, they bored me quite a bit. These episodes are definitely important to lay the groundwork of what happens in the later episodes though. My favorite moment from these eps definitely has to be the first 1 on 1 between