
Not a Gaby Dunn fan. Might've been one, but she lost me with both the "CONAN YOU FUCKING COWARD" tweet where she denied policing comedy while doing exactly that (and getting called out on it by Chelsea Peretti who is everything a comedian should be), as well as tweeting personal relationship shit about Josh Groban,

>(offers some bubblegum; avoids an ass-kicking)

Hey now… there's some real art in "The League." Like when that one guy had to poo really badly. I think that represents Iraq.

Sounds like someone's got the world's greatest April Fool's prank lined up for 2016…

>(takes off glasses, rubs temples)

No you were right. Bad.

That's a forgotten line from the diss track that samples "Ass Like That" by Eminem.

Dear White People… don't watch Jeff, Who Lives At Home. Love, Not White People.

Hey, I liked Starfox. There was a rumor that they wanted to turn him into a villain.

Is that a Bendis line? Or did Bendis rip that off something I've forgotten/never watched?

[To sit closer]

I really like this episode. So many of the jokes land, the dinner table discussion with Homer and the Navy sub captain(?), the David Schwimmer joke, "Berlin Reunited (and it feels so good)," Homer's time in boot camp with the Margaret Cho reference and 3 Stooges impression. A really solid ep from the latter days of

I can't believe these people are real. They seem as if they're from a fairly tale, many moons ago…

A lot of people still buy floppies and trades, but you can get both cheaper online, especially trades. When wages stagnate and groceries and cable and other stuff rise? Comics are among the first on the chopping block.

Some people. Not many people.

…because that's what his dad did? Weird.

I worked in a comic store until 2006, and just started seeing the effect Amazon had on our trade business (slowly strangling it). I imagine comic stores will go the way of Blockbuster soon enough. The effect on the industry? Hard to say.

In a world with Five Guys and In-N-Out (or even Wendy's), there's absolutely no reason to ever eat at McDonald's. Even for free.

Glover as Peter Parker is obviously the best choice (well, preferably when they were first rebooting Spider-Man in 2012). I got out of comics pre-Miles Morales and I have absolutely no idea who he is, except a bunch of internet writers telling me he's the best.

To be fair, cinematically they haven't scratched the surface.