Everyone knows that freedom of speech means freedom from all consequences. Wake up, sheeple!
Everyone knows that freedom of speech means freedom from all consequences. Wake up, sheeple!
Them fuckin' ghosts keep attacking Pac-Man and hoarding fruits, that's their fuckin' deal.
Do you know what a hypocrite is? Because I don't think you do. I think you like to use words that you have no idea how they relate to the matter at hand.
I can get away with it. I'm the best in the world.
I've long been a huge fan of Big E, based on his Instagram and Twitter alone the dude has the wit to capture the people's imagination.
Sure, Noelle is dating Frank the WWE Clown now… but she'll get older and realize her mistake.
I highly doubt that was him. I think he has the PR guys of the Iron Sheik working for him.
Go Set A Horseman.
Maybe Gawker only focused on the sex tape part, while ignoring the open racism part, showing the moral high ground they like to claim as being faulty. I for one am more disturbed by racism than two consenting adults having sex.
This is gonna be tough on your gimmick account. Quick, make a Dusty Rhodes one!
The Orwellian part might be the constant videotaping that goes on, but… what is the freedom-loving corporation to do? How do you think their PR would stand up? Would non-Causcasian fans not think that WWE must be implicitly agreeing to his statements? This isn't 1984, it's a roided out redneck getting exposed for…
What a prude.
Shit, I never heard about Austin's racism.
Eddie Vedder ripped off Jericho's music, and Cobain went back to the well to rip off Raven's.
All of my sextapes have discussions on The New Inquiry articles by Ayesha Siddiqui.
Hall gets a pass, that was self-defense. Razor Ramon isn't one to be fucked with.
He's a real Republican American.
Becky won't, I know she won't.
Well there goes my dinner.
…no one is arresting Hulk Hogan. He is paying an economic price for his stupidity and racism. How do you not understand this?