
Upvoting for Greys comment, but while I agree on Rizzoli and Isles, I want to clarify that what bugs me about that is that they want to eat their cake and have it, too, so the main characters burn through boyfriends like no one's biz but then there's all the lesbian overtones. It makes it read way too much like girls

I have never been so geeked by anything as I was when Green Arrow and Black Canary stood together to take on a whole raft of heavily-armed baddies. And then when he used her bo staff and she used his bow? I may have fainted from the awesome.
Show, will you marry me?

"You can't disappoint a picture!" *sobs*

Well, TV isn't a zero sum game. You can have art like Breaking Bad and middle-brow fare like SHIELD and utter lowbrow crap like 2 1/2 Men (alas).

It doesn't hurt that down-votes are apparently anonymous. Good thinking, Disqus!

Well, to be fair, the internet rarely needs a reason to spew hate (and even less so to spew hate on female characters), but I do think digging into the rest of the team is needed. We've had our audience-identifier character fleshed out a bit — now we need to see what makes the others tick.

Who the hell is down-voting these kinds of comments? If you disagree, you could maybe say why?

I actually thought this was a good episode and continued the overall quality upward trend of the show.

Well, that's what I was thinking when I typed it, so, l'chaim!

Yeah, I love how Wan started the Avatar tradition of being a cause of/contributor to the world-shattering problems s/he then has to fix — which we've now seen Roku, Aang, and Korra do as well. TRADITION!

They showed Crane washing and using the blow dryer on his clothes in the same scene where he had all the post-its in his hotel room, so I think his clothes probably smell fine though they may be in danger of wearing out.

There is nothing better in any Shakespeare production than Jacobi's Chorus in Branagh's Henry V.

Exactly. He's wrong and he should feel bad about being wrong. I think if he didn't have a set opinion of Branagh, he would see that performance differently. I first saw it when it was in the theater (*creaks with agedness*) and knew nothing about him and it nearly made me take up arms and run off to war. It is rousing

I have definitely seen it elsewhere — possibly in Homeland (it seems right but my memory is dim) — and I wouldn't be surprised if the Winchesters had crashed into it a time or two.

I'm hoping it's Jason.

The original Black Canary didn't have any super peers, and if our new mystery Canary is Dinah Drake, then it would follow that she wouldn't have any powers either.

The ending of Brotherhood was from the manga which is honestly one of the most perfect SF epics I've ever read. Arakawa is a fucking genius.

I loved Fraggle Rock SO MUCH.

For me, this finale suffers a bit by being tacked onto such a flat season (No Ivanova?!!! — and that's "Day of the Dead" excepted). I also really really REALLY hated the wrap-up of season 4 which, no matter how they couched it, contained an actual deus ex machine to resolve the war.

That was actually the first one I thought of when I saw the article's headline. Brilliant show from start to finish, but DAMN that was a brilliant finale.