Everything Daniel makes looks like it escaped from the Dynasty wardrobe department and that is NOT in any way a compliment, *Daniel.*
Everything Daniel makes looks like it escaped from the Dynasty wardrobe department and that is NOT in any way a compliment, *Daniel.*
I thought the colors on Samantha's dress were AWFUL! Just drab and miserable. With different colors, it probably would have sold itself better, but they just made the whole thing look wilted and overdone and kind of at war with itself. I still think Richard's bathing suit cover-up should have aufed him, though.
To be fair, the Bruce Wayne's daughter Huntress came first in DC's bizarre continuity; it's just that the Bertinelli Huntress is a far superior character.
I thought this episode was really strong, and I thought Monroe was ON FIRE! He's always the highlight, but he was pretty much incandescent throughout. So happy Rosalee is back, too. The two of them add so much to the show.
So Richard Castle and Jeff Winger are half-brothers, too? Neat.
Drat! And I always got such good marks in kindergarten on my attention-paying, too.
Alrighty then! I mean, it doesn't sound like I'm missing out on the next Arrested Development, but perhaps I could pay a bit more attention.
This is literally the first time I've heard the show's basic concept. I thought it was just another dumb suburban comedy. I think if I'd known about the aliens, I may have tried it. I remember seeing a lot of promos — did I just miss it? Did they make it clear there were aliens or were they being all coy?
My dear friend Paul Hewson (aka Bono) feels the same way.
"Weeee are NOT on the same page."
She's actually worked pretty steadily, but she's been living/working in the UK.
To be fair to Tumblr, all of those episodes are based on the actual source stories so it isn't as if we all don't know Holmes is coming back. The RDJ movie pulled from the same source and resurrected him before the end of the movie.
This was pretty much the exact scene as Meg Ryan's death in "City of Angels" except he's in a car and not on a bike.
Wasn't it 3-D House of Beef? Was there also a pancake version? It's been years… I need to dig up the DVDs.
I think this is pretty much the arrangement she and Edward Herrmann (or at least he) had for Gilmore Girls, too, though, wasn't it? They'd appear here and there — enough to feel like regular cast but then they wouldn't be in it for stretches or one would and the other wouldn't.
"Was really hoping everyone would do a spit-take when they heard their food was prepped by a prostitute. Everyone sure is adopting progressive ideas quickly this season."
People tend to get really contrary when someone is being a public ass and insisting they join in, and they were all kind of mad at him anyway over his stupidity during Sybil's tragedy, so I think it was more of a reaction to him being an idiot that they then internalized to make it personally okay. Had he handled it…
Came here to post this. I both think it's unfair to hold prior roles against actors and don't think I can ever take this guy seriously after seeing him in that role. It doesn't help that the ads for this were not great, and he doesn't really have the dark irresistible vibe the show insists he does.
It's a magical Town of Requirement like Buffy's Sunnydale.