Major Magic

And speaking of your intro, dont knock McDonalds orange drink. I used to love that stuff and rue the day the gave it up for the inferior replacement of orange Hi-C. I dont remember how old I was when I came to the realization it was more than orange soda but it will always have a place in my heart.

Black and white stop motion?
Does that mean it would be filed using black and white film stock, converted via computer to b.w in post production or just made using only clay in shades of black and gray?

Fuck, I just reread that and realized I forget the put the name of the TV show in there. It was The Rifleman.

Are you sure it was a movie? There's an episode of the old Chuck Connors TV show that included a whacked out civil war vet who thinks he's Lincoln and of course the whole town plays along with his delusions. Everything goes smothly untill a former confederate travels through town and taunts the hapless vet into a

I was reminded of how old I am and how long the Simpsons have been on the air just the other day when I said "I wash ma self with a rag on a stick" and nobody got the joke/refrence.

I almost lost it when all of the cryogenic pods lost power and everyone died.

I would have prefered Bitch Hunter had remained a one show gag. There's no where else to go after "Happy Birthday Bitches"

Reminds me of a great one page comic strip from the anthology Zero Zero by Seth detailing in which way all of the moon astronauts have gone crazy once they get back home.

Walk and Skeezix..
has it really been almost 3 years since the last volume was released? No matter, these books are dense and will probally take me several months to get through the new one. Quickly becoming my favorite classic comic strip reprint project aside from Little Orphan Annie.

I loved the animated Ed Grimley too but I'm afraid new viewings will ruin it for me with its obviuos mediocrity just like seeing bad Hong Kong Fooey was after seeing it on Cartoon Network several years back.

We had Danger Mouse and Count Duckula here in the USA too and they sucked just as hard

So that's…
what the new Shreck is about. I've only seen portions of the others o TV before but an idiot could pick up the story from watching 15 minutes of any of them. The new trailers did a pretty spotty job of explaining whats going on this new one though. And while I've said it before in regards to Marmaduke

On the subject of spoilers
Bravo to you for deleting the spoiler posts although the only one I've run across (and didn't read I may add) came from this site. I've been following the show since the start and while I admit to visiting spoiler in the past I've refrained from checking out any of them aside from episode

Thats about as likely as DC putting out an Inferior Five collection.

What a great month for alt comics
Two new books by Bagge, a full length OGN by Clowes, which from what I've seen will be amazing and I'm totally buying the hype that it may be his best work to date, not to mention James Sturm's new book which just came out last week and Jim Woodrings upcoming Frank book. I feel like

I was actually hoping that Seth McFarland would be outed as the mole by the end of the episode. Watching him get shot made up for my dissapointment.

Jar Jar, you've obviously never heard Phil's comedy album recorder in his pre-professional days and released post-humously by his brother. Still though, you are correct, he gets a pass.

Hey at least this movie doesn't star that jerk-off from those Mac commercials. You know, the one that isn't John Hodgman.

Come to think of it Newsrado had a really great roster of music related guest starts from Chuck D to Anthrax. Thank god the writers had the god sense to play it off as if Lisa had no idea who Anthrax were, much less any idea of the state of 90's music. God, I miss that show.

Good bands on bad Tv shows
None of these explain Sonic Youth appearing on Gossip Girl.
On another related note Dave from Newsradio loved the song Horse With No Name by America.