Trump: “Look, *sniff* *sniff* don’t make unseemly noises while I’m *sniff* *sniff* whining how persecuted I am *sniff* on the news.”
Trump: “Look, *sniff* *sniff* don’t make unseemly noises while I’m *sniff* *sniff* whining how persecuted I am *sniff* on the news.”
Boy, you sure seem desperate about promoting this. It’s almost like you would be having trouble sleeping at night otherwise.
Sometimes staging the lie is harder than just doing the thing. I had coworkers get fired before they learned that lesson.
Ming-Na Wen is 55 years old/ ageless
After working in Missouri wine research for 5 years I have nothing to argue.
true, but fuck you its the shitty wine of CHAMPIONS!
Wow, a butthurt Boston sports fan, now I’ve seen everything
Ok, tell that to black men - with even less means to defend themselves - who get incarcerated for years for less severe crimes.
My friend lived in a house where one of his roommates sold pot. The police took everything he owned and he served 3 years in prison. Just for boarding with the wrong dude. I never understand how justice works in this country.
That’s what I don’t understand. What’s the endgame? To cause hysteria? To numb people to extreme weather? To drive clicks on their website from people looking for updates? Why the fuck do this?
My Brother’s Father-in-Law was in the military, got out and got his veterinarian’s degree, owned his own practice and retired in his early 70's, healthy and ready to go and do all the things he had delayed until retirement. But he never had time for hobbies or interests.
Delayed gratification is a good way to put it. It’s like how I eat salads for lunch during the week and then eat like shit on the weekend.
Not to mention that the perspective gained from traveling is a lot more helpful to people in their 20s than those 30 years older.
Yeah, seeing a few parents of friends say they’d travel when they retired, only to get sick in their 50s/60s and never make it to retirement was all the impetus I needed to travel young.
Just ask them why they think they’re so much better than all them starving kids in China. When they open their dumb faces to respond, grab a handful of lukewarm lattice fries and forcibly mash em into their open mouths while screaming, “How can you have any pudding if don’t eat your meat!?”
I see people all the time around here who are scared to use a center turn lane that is open to both directions, so they stop in the through lane to wait for their turn. I knew my wife was a keeper the day someone in front of us did this and she reached over to honk the horn then flipped them the bird.
Turn lanes are engineered via computers to be long enough that a driver doesn’t have to slow down prior to entering a turn lane while traveling at full speed. So by slowing down in traffic before getting to the turn lane, you’re really saying “I’m dumber than the dumbest person that computer system could have come up…
And if you screw up and are in the wrong lane with little hope to get over where you should be, don’t just sit there screwing up everybody elses day hoping the already moving traffic to your left or right will stop to let you over. Eat your screw up, drive forward so you can turn around and get back to where you…
No one here is bragging about anything. How is paying off a CC every month bragging? All we are saying is, you get the exact same results plus rewards paying with a card versus cash if you actually do pay it everyday. Think like your CC is debit and you should be fine.