
The big reason this is happening is retaliation from China, where most of this recyclable waste ends up.  They’ve significantly upped the standards for the garbage they’re willing to accept from overseas; some of this is environmental but most of this is trade war/social scolding related.  Recycling centres are

I’ve done this flight from Washington to Johannesburg, and the main thing that makes it tolerable is that half the people on the plane got off in Dakar. You could then sit wherever you wanted and it wasn’t difficult to find an unoccupied row of four seats if you wanted to lie down.

It’s how Alice tells Kate she knows she’s under the cowl - she recognizes the eyes.

He wants the nation to show him some appreciation.

You should check out the one of two teenagers trying to complete a call on a rotary phone :)

Well they dismissed my reply so I think they’re too embarrassed to admit they don’t know what an antenna or cable tv are.

For food safety reasons I freeze all my leftovers and thaw them as needed.  Which, again, is on a daily basis because I don’t have room in my freezer to hold dozens of different frozen meals.

Is the genesis for this series that Roth doesn’t have time to shop at Goodwill anymore?

Uh was my post not clear?  I cook a meal and I eat it as leftovers until its gone.

They still have her. They likely still need her to keep the neighborhood running and don’t want to tip their hand to Shawn that she’s been exposed.


Come on people, did any of you actually watch the show?  They make that joke the first time the name of the firm is introduced.

Please tell me you know what broadcast television is and that you can watch this show for free on Thursdays at 9/8 pm, depending on your timezone.

Unless the stew tasted really, really awful the husband needs to suck it up.  Cooking for myself I always ended up with tons of leftovers because I followed the standard recipe.   Unless you have a chest freezer or a huge fridge you’re not likely going to have room to freeze leftovers for a different meal every day of

I must be thinking of some other Earth or some other Earth-2 character.

I could have sworn Oliver was alive on Earth 2 and was doing something related to Atlantis.   It was way back during The Flash season 2 when Barry infiltrates that Earth as his Doppelganger.

I think Chester did that photo visit thing to see Henry one last time.

I would think dispensaries would expose you to above average risk for having to experience an armed robbery.

Interesting to know, I started playing the demo because they offered a carrot of free in-game weapons for Mass Effect 3 and couldn’t be arsed to finish the thing.

Rowing is one of those exercises where poor form can easily lead to injury.  If you’re not sure, ask someone that knows to show you or critique your posture.