Third Degree Burns

I thought of that too! But I thought, of course they'd get that news right away because they were actively involved directly in the case of his spy parents' murders and had recently visited him. Fred was one of many interviewees they'd seen tangentially to the overarching case so it wouldn't come to them as quickly,

It's very cramped, closer to an efficiency than anything. It looks like she doesn't even have a full-size fridge? I'd think she could afford something better.

For some reason, I guess because I don't have personal knowledge of the time and so many old stories and movies have made it seem that way, whenever they're able to skate with something like that I always think, 'Oh, they didn't have as rigorous security/background checks as we do today.' Which: I know that is true,

I really just though it was playing off of the question he'd asked Stan earlier, "You really love her, don't you?" which Stan didn't answer but his expression gave away. But still, I do like everyone's theories about his intentions, 'cause even if it didn't imply to Stan that he knew about their relationship, it was

I really want to hear the rest of that story, for real.

I remember Elizabeth went after him and got a shot in after Larrick got shot, but then Larrick got her back before Philip was able to get the gun and shoot him, right? Did I see him like, banging her head on his knee or something? It happened so fast, but yeah, I definitely saw a struggle before he fell onto Philip.

No way Nina's off the show. Her character is too interesting and there are too many more storylines and resolutions they can write for her, that would be a lost opportunity. I feel like, she will go through hell back in Russia with detainment, interrogation, and even trial, but they will not execute her. She's too

Cool, thanks! Wow, I can't believe I'd never heard of that before, huh. Yeah, let's hope Paige's church is that kind of church, it seems like it might be so far.

That's interesting. Were your parents in El Salvador giving sanctuary to Nicaraguans, or in the U.S. giving sanctuary to Salvadorans? That probably sounds like a dumb question but I'd never heard of that movement before.

I wonder if someone could get away with doing that today.

Ohhh, yeah. Duh. It slipped my mind that E&L had blackmailed him first, and that would be a pretty good assumption on Larrick's part that he would be a lead to the people he wants.

All I can think of is, whichever way anything plays out, she has to be done at the Rezidentura, right? Even if Stan gives them Echo, but then, say, has to get involved with saving Jared from Larrick and he doesn't run away with Nina, there's no way she can ever just go back to working at the Rezidentura. Stan may not

Both the scenes with Oleg and Arkady and Oleg and Nina were great. Oleg definitely truly cares about Nina and you could see it in those scenes.

But how did he know Jared was important to the KGB? From Kate's place? Or can he find out FBI information?

That's what I thought, he must've found something at Kate's. HowTF did he get that tracker into Jared's backpack though? I wish there would have been a short scene showing that, because we know he's good, but that seems very difficult.

Every time we see him, all I keep thinking is, 'He has to be stopped. They need to get rid of him,' because he is seriously dangerous to our people. He hunts like a cat, precisely and mercilessly.

I totally feel bad for Stan. Part of it is that Noah Emmerich is a good actor and I like him, but Stan the character was shown to be smart and a decent guy. He's just made one wrong decisions after another (usually due to his feelings) and now he has no control over his life anymore. I hope he somehow saves Jared- and

I retroactively feel bad for all my teachers till middle school, and teachers today that have to deal with unmedicated ADHD kids like me- tell your mom sorry. At least my parents, although it seemingly took forever to figure out why I was such a little shit, weren't the type of parents that defended their child's

That was awesome. I learned about her during my phase of being obsessed with that whole L.E.S. late 70's-early 80's art scene, so I love seeing whatever any of those people are doing now.

Yeah, thanks @NoMoreFun:disqus, if I could reply to your comment I would, but since I can't reply to any comment, let me second notifying you all that replies are not working so conversation isn't possible, please fix.