Meowing Quimby

Having just rewatched LotR after seeing The Hobbit, Galadriel seems to think that the journey has to be long and hard to get Frodo to the point where he realises that he will not make it back, so he can go through with destroying the ring. He knows how utterly evil and corrupt it is, and he has to love it so he can

Abi has become a really valuable beatable opponent, while Malcomb and Denise just look dangerous. Why wouldnt Skupin join with Carter and Abi, and bring Lisa.

Abi has become a really valuable beatable opponent, while Malcomb and Denise just look dangerous. Why wouldnt Skupin join with Carter and Abi, and bring Lisa.

He is Russell Brand, but should be George Carlin.

He is Russell Brand, but should be George Carlin.

I remember hearing a Nick Cave song on an overnight, mostly talkback station aimed at old insomniacs and their serial killer live in grandsons, and thinking that it was a victory for Nick. Sure Wilco should be played there, why not?

One of its legs is both the same.

One of its legs is both the same.

All season she has had nothing to worry about, and so she creates problems with her paranoia. But, not she has an actual struggle on her hands, and I thinkk Abi may well be good at post break up manipulation. The clip of next week seems to suggest as much.

All season she has had nothing to worry about, and so she creates problems with her paranoia. But, not she has an actual struggle on her hands, and I thinkk Abi may well be good at post break up manipulation. The clip of next week seems to suggest as much.

The Girl From Impanema is the Smoke on the Water of the elevator music world.

The Girl From Impanema is the Smoke on the Water of the elevator music world.

It would be so nice if this was Penners season.

It would be so nice if this was Penners season.

I think the satire was more at the fact that for alot of people the world over the big news this week was the Star Wars Disney thing, not that the same government is continuing in the US.

I think the satire was more at the fact that for alot of people the world over the big news this week was the Star Wars Disney thing, not that the same government is continuing in the US.

They seem to be making Cartmans racist, selfish self less and less effectual. He is not the criminal genius he used to be. I do not really have a problem with them banging on that racism is not just funny, it is stupid, and fat racists dont win sweet Star Wars roles, kids.

They seem to be making Cartmans racist, selfish self less and less effectual. He is not the criminal genius he used to be. I do not really have a problem with them banging on that racism is not just funny, it is stupid, and fat racists dont win sweet Star Wars roles, kids.

Yeah. I find at his best Wes Anderson actually captures the self mythologising of life as well as anyone. The way the characters cast themselves in dramas, and try to act idealy speaks to an audience living in a relativistic, and thus meaningless world. If everything means as much as anything else, nothing means

Yeah. I find at his best Wes Anderson actually captures the self mythologising of life as well as anyone. The way the characters cast themselves in dramas, and try to act idealy speaks to an audience living in a relativistic, and thus meaningless world. If everything means as much as anything else, nothing means