jessica jonesing

I've seen some people hypothesize that Jasper took the chip .

I don't think it's necessary that Luna respect Lexa at all. Lexa commanded the clans in a way that Luna fundamentally disagrees with and doesn't respect in its own right, so what would make her respect Lexa? My opinion of Lexa's leadership hasn't changed in the light of Luna's superior battle skills. And others have

There could be some vials of it left. Bekka had a lot of them when she left for earth, so she may have hidden one or two for a rainy day.

That was so good. I want a series of Snart, Rory, Sara, and Gideon in some sort of portable device, traveling through time and sassing the crap out of people.

Every time Gideon throws shade at Rip it adds ten years to my life.

I'd like to start by saying that I don't condone any of the cruelties or atrocities committed by any of the characters on this show, but I really feel the need to point out that there is a lot of cherry-picking when it comes to the moralities on The 100. I think the mistake the writers make is thinking that all of