Fred Garvin

Bravo for bringing up Paul Snider.
(wipes face with bloody hands) Why don't you just SHUT YER FUCKIN' MOUTH!

As timely as Burt & Sly in Driven, but older.

Da fienger! Yur sdarting wid da fienger again!

"Yer fuckin' head's comin' right off!"

Another reason to not like the Atlanta Braves.

I do know and enjoy BK. However, put on a shirt, Hans!

Then I'm hopping in the water and saying I'm Robert Shaw!

Paula also likes to grope young men on camera whenever possible (find footage from Paula's Party). Ina's busy making hot monkey sex with her husband Jeffrey.

Chef Flay, is it true you cook with Nigella Lawson's knickers?

C'mon, Freddie King!

Can't he just go away?

(answers phone) Menswear.

PBS, bitches!

Yes, Lt. O. Thanks.


That's a lot of lotion and baskets.

The Blues Brothers spawn a plague of fat white guys all over the globe to don black suits and sunglasses to sing blues-oke. The minster show of the blues. I know my ID is one of Dan's characters, but fuck him and his alien-endorsed skull vodka.

Sell me your children!

It says "Not for blind kids."

No, Ma'am.