Fred Garvin

If your grandpa bumped cinema uglies with Priscilla Presley.

Forbidden Plant thread…
…starts here if you want.

I just wanted to say good luck. We're all counting on you.

I don't believe you. You're a LIAR!

Poor bunny
Somebody show B.B. The Food of the Gods.


Add on to The Train love. Plus it has a cool single shot where it is Burt Lancaster doing a series of stunts.

Oh, COME ON!!!

Don't unleash his the fury. He's one of the Tough Guys. He's a Champion.


Ready to comfort…
The sad bunnies.

You rang?

Kanye West…
does not care about Coach people.

Fast Eddie Felson would dongwhip this guy. Or he would grab Vincent by the ankles and beat this guy like it was a corn field in Casino.

Do I have to?

Plus you touched a guy's balls at Hebrew camp once.

George was pointing out is that some politicians/men of cloth who have launched anti-gay crusades have been known to wind up like Larry Craig, Ted Haggard and Dr. George Rekers (he's the one that had a Rentboy with him on a trip to Europe).

Superfly is all kinds of cool. Grungy 70s New York, classically trained stage actor Ron O'Neal playing Priest like it's Henry V + his leap over the fence in the early chase scene. Classic.

I remember her reading on Letterman "Top Ten Things You Don't Know About Dolly Parton" and #1 was "People forget I have a great ass, too."

May I, may I interject…one thing before, before I blast the planet and I mean this with all due respect…