"Star Man," bitches!
"Star Man," bitches!
Walter Hill Primer, bitches!
Here here, Mr. Pants.
The Madea in the Striped Pajamas.
Even Green Bay doesn't like Leno.
There was also…
The Mel Brooks version of To Be Or Not To Be and Up The Creek (where he's an even older looking college student) with fellow Deltaman Flounder and Pee-Wee from Porky's.
(Opens doctor's bag)
Drinking game?
Every time God, Jesus or Lord and Savior is mentioned in the commentary.
Thank you, Jake. One could add "Back Door Man" if your home doesn't have a back door. Wink wink, nudge nudge…
The Love Theme from "Pink Pussy Lips."
It's a Mach piece, really.
OK, I'll get it started…
What's on ZMF's Valentine's Day mix tape?
Well played, sirs. Now, who's that Mandingo looking…
Mrs. Garvin's birthday is Feb. 12, so suck it, Hallmark!
Python, Young Ones and The Comic Strip. Really helpful viewings for a teenager. When is Bad News and the rest of The Comic Strip going to make it on DVD?
She's attractive and talented. A great combination.
What if they were all watching Krull?
and he told us broken hearts are for assholes.