Fred Garvin

(Grazes nose with finger)

I'm going to lead the Chiefs to the playoffs.

Butch and Sundance was 1969, not 1967. Cool Hand Luke was 1967.

She ties up Alicia Witt, but we don't see it. Alas, that would have made a worthy 107 minute version of 88 minutes.


Love and miss both the Sons.

Mmmmm….Vampire Lovers…

Not mentioned yet…
S.P. Leary and Willie "Big Eyes" Smith, bitch!

I always remember him beating the living piss out of the wife beater inside the barbershop in Mississippi Burning. Hackman is a Hall Of Fame Baadasssss.

Boy, you got a panty on yo' head?

"You all right, Sheriff?"

(Hitting the steering wheel)

Slap Shot, anyone?

All I wanted was a Pepsi and she wouldn't give it to me.

Maybe we should bring in Metallica's life coach to meet with the AV Club regulars. Of course, the coach will start to post his own comments.

C'mon, Olaf, Berzerker. Girls think sexy.

When is Carlos going to do an album without special guests?

SIIIIIIIIIIIID!!! I look like fuckin' Stevie Nicks!

(Sound of White America not even going there, girlfriend)

Madea's Big Score
Madea In Africa