Turkish (Prison) Star Wars
Turkish (Prison) Star Wars
Hash oil? Such quaint & innocent times.
Also "The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia". I remember making fun of that in the theater…'cause I'm old you see.
I'm holding out for another Dio one.
Asshole. He could have gotten us 3 more episodes of the new MST3K.
Smoke weed in a state where it's legal.
Suck a few dicks and see how you like it.HireBecome a sex worker.
Time to update the Savagetron-2000.
Kevin Sorbo? The racist, washed up actor?
Seems like a good place to mention the "Bop Till You Drop" video. I want those action figures.
I hope someone got fired for this blunder.
"Be careful of the Scorpions."
Paula Abdul's Rush, Rush does not hold up at all.
Analog Kid
The Anarchist
Thanks to Neil for all the tunes. I will reflect on his grace when I go see "Blue Oyster Cult" at the Emerald Queen Casino in February.
I get the reference, but the albums are always there, man!
No, Tek Wars.
It's like poetry; it rhymes.
heh heh…muppets.
That was eloquent. They truly are elegant bachelors.