
The issue is really that there's a desire to incentivize artists creating as long as they have the urge, so a copyright that expires on death may discourage end-of-life production, when you know you won't have time to profit from it and neither will your heirs. I support a single flat-duration copyright (right now, 50

Plot holes require inventing fantastical explanations we aren't explicitly presented with or that cannot be inferred from the fantastical elements already present in the text.

One of the more interesting things DC did after the reboot was let Grant Morrison write something like this for Action Comics. I'm not sure how well it worked, since I stopped following DC around then, but he was definitely telling a story about Superman as a populist hero with socialist roots.

Clearly, Superman has a muscle fetish and spends ridiculous amounts of time and effort making it possible for himself to work out. It's the only explanation.

"and perhaps its setting, which must seem so otherworldly to modern Japan as well to American audiences"

If he's writing shit like that to people outside the relationship/where people who aren't specifically interested in kink will see it, they're definitely nowhere near subtle enough. Talk about rude, ugh. I'm just grateful we didn't end up seeing stupid slash capitalization since he never talked about both of "T/them."

Adding "endless" "comics" and "Gaiman" to the search terms yielded a forum thread that mentioned the story you remember, which seems to have been printed in an anthology of responses to 9/11. Switching out "WTC" for "9/11" and adding "anthology" turned up a torrent for the comic, which is titled "The Wheel" and which

Clerks. My mother walked in, watched for a bit. It got to the scene where they talk about snowballing, at which point she said "I didn't know that" and I couldn't deal anymore and left.

Clerks. My mother walked in, watched for a bit. It got to the scene where they talk about snowballing, at which point she said "I didn't know that" and I couldn't deal anymore and left.

Yeah, no. This is a great example of manufactured controversy — shoddy ethics displayed by one person or group, where the conclusions have nevertheless been substantiated by separate analysis and by datasets that no one has ever successfully called into question, do not evidence of a poor case make. We're talking

Yeah, no. This is a great example of manufactured controversy — shoddy ethics displayed by one person or group, where the conclusions have nevertheless been substantiated by separate analysis and by datasets that no one has ever successfully called into question, do not evidence of a poor case make. We're talking

There are times when it is warranted, but the demand that two sides of any controversial issue get fair hearing sometimes results in really terrible journalism, especially in cases where the "debate" is between experts and crackpots. There's nothing like the climate change debate to show this up — on the one side you

There are times when it is warranted, but the demand that two sides of any controversial issue get fair hearing sometimes results in really terrible journalism, especially in cases where the "debate" is between experts and crackpots. There's nothing like the climate change debate to show this up — on the one side you

Oh hey, this movie! They were filming for this at 5th and 59th the day I was picking up my computer after repairs. Gere must have been madeup already because he didn't look quite human.

Oh hey, this movie! They were filming for this at 5th and 59th the day I was picking up my computer after repairs. Gere must have been madeup already because he didn't look quite human.

And then he went back to Power Rangers. Seriously, the saddest thing ever is finding out that he was in the show as a regular in 2004, over ten years after he was the Green Ranger.

And then he went back to Power Rangers. Seriously, the saddest thing ever is finding out that he was in the show as a regular in 2004, over ten years after he was the Green Ranger.