No problem, Techno. I actually considered bringing the Bobby McGee stuff back up, and then decided to go a different route.
No problem, Techno. I actually considered bringing the Bobby McGee stuff back up, and then decided to go a different route.
Oh, I get it. Thanks, greyman.
Oh, I get it. Thanks, greyman.
I'm not aware of how RSS feeds treat these articles. My apologies; I had no intentions to ruin your day.
I'm not aware of how RSS feeds treat these articles. My apologies; I had no intentions to ruin your day.
Yes, he did. That was interesting. There was one in his go bag, but he had apparently retained another one on his person.
Yes, he did. That was interesting. There was one in his go bag, but he had apparently retained another one on his person.
I read it as 75% "I screwed up" and 25% moral regret. The regret is there I think in the conversation he attempts to have with Mike while he's dying.
I read it as 75% "I screwed up" and 25% moral regret. The regret is there I think in the conversation he attempts to have with Mike while he's dying.
Sorry it came across as a cheat to you. I wrote this one start to finish after the show aired, so unlike previous write ups, I had no time to develop an elaborate structure. For better or worse, the review represents me thinking through the episode on the fly, and the philosophical reference was part of my train of…
Sorry it came across as a cheat to you. I wrote this one start to finish after the show aired, so unlike previous write ups, I had no time to develop an elaborate structure. For better or worse, the review represents me thinking through the episode on the fly, and the philosophical reference was part of my train of…
In a good way?
In a good way?
Lots of other philosophers talk about nothingness. Probably the most relevant for those couple of sentences in the review is Hegel, who describes it as the dialectical opposite of being, and a necessary concept in contemplating the whole or the absolute.
Lots of other philosophers talk about nothingness. Probably the most relevant for those couple of sentences in the review is Hegel, who describes it as the dialectical opposite of being, and a necessary concept in contemplating the whole or the absolute.
Get ready to pay up to whoever you made this bet with.
Get ready to pay up to whoever you made this bet with.
It is so great.
It is so great.
I couldn't care less that he wasn't cozy with reporters, but the steroid thing is huge, obvious, and terribly sad, because it overshadows his inhuman hitting skills.