Charlize > Padma.
Charlize > Padma.
Tom's one-liners were never-ending. Every time he spoke I just awkwardly chuckled and shook my head, as if I was watching some bashful kid trying to impress the hottest girl in class.
DomesticCaribou, let's be nice.
Sorry, I just got really worked up for a second there. All the blood was rushing to my head as I read this article, then I clicked on the porn industry story, and it all went south. IF YA KNOW WHAT I MEAN.
They should also literally roast him over an open fire. I'm talking about sticking a skewer up his bumhole as he horizontally rotates above ravaging flames. Knowing Mr. Wahlberg like I do (which is to say solely based on movies like "I Heart Huckabees") I know he will escape valiantly, supernumerary nipple and all.
Especially when he talks about his heartburn and indigestion. Can't get more real than that!
This is the exact scenario Robert Pollard had in mind when he penned "Hold on Hope."
Listening to this performance made me constantly want to clear my throat.
That's why I always buy the swing first, THEN look for the apartment.
I'm assuming (and hoping) the "$2000 on something else we will probably enjoy more" is some kind of dirty inside joke that nobody understands.
Thank you, Rageaholic. Rage on.
I actually really enjoyed tonight's episode and half-expected to come on here to find a mostly negative review slightly justified by positive(ish) user comments. In fact, the opposite has happened. Golly!
Nicki Minaj should change the title of her hit song to "Super 8" cause that biatch outta this world!!
If there's already a bunch of Likes for a comment, I just go ahead and Like it too, even if I don't understand.
I assumed it was an arm-less snowman being chased by the smoke monster from LOST…
"awesome janky" btw. As if there's any other kind?
Just gather up the gang and make another Mean Girls already!!! I need to know what Glenn Coco is up to these days.
Y'allz guna h8.
For a moment there I forgot you were talking about The King of Limbs, so I instead assumed "KoL" referred to Kings of Leon…