thank you Hollywood for at long last making Public Enemy's "burn hollywood burn" obsolete. I assume there will be a forthcoming race reversed Driving Miss Daisy featuring Whoopi and Ryan Reynolds.
thank you Hollywood for at long last making Public Enemy's "burn hollywood burn" obsolete. I assume there will be a forthcoming race reversed Driving Miss Daisy featuring Whoopi and Ryan Reynolds.
oh man if you think these are tediously obvious you should check out Rabin's Simpsons classic.
oh man Assuck. in high school I had the lyrics to some of the songs written on my bedroom wall. I tried to use my memorization of them to impress a pretty redhaired punk girl. DIDN'T WORK.
take your filthy black hands off the presidential dinnerware, ya moon cricket!
you think you outbox me? I feed you to gatordiles.
and I would have spelled my I mean his name right.
because I would have shoehorned in a Smurfs reference and jump cut to the entire video of 99 Luftballoons if I was.
I am almost certainly absolutely not Seth Mcfarland in disguise.
I'm not meaning to seem ignorant on this very important issue, but does Seth Mcfarland even write for any of these shows anymore? and if he does, is he the head one? I know he's the face of the franchise and all, but for the piss poor and lazy and unfunny aspects of Family Guy and Cleveland Show it strikes me that…
everybody lock your doors, there is a crazy person on the loose and they are writing "reviews" of a TV show on the internet!
I'll agree insomuch as rewatching GIJoe years later, the storys do still hold up to a certain absurd extent. and there was clearly some care put into the dialogue and plotting. but oh man, have you gone back and watched He-Man lately? absolutely fucking atrocious. even the animation (which thanks to nostalgia I…
also, Jinglecats
the Showcase Showdown "Ho Ho Ho Chi Mihn" b/w "Merry Christmas, I Fucked Your Snowman" 7"
the Frank Costanza answering machine message is the single greatest event in this shows history. I will never, NEVER not laugh at that.
every time I think about annexing the Sudatenland I get the weirdest boner.
I understood his original comments of "understanding" Hitler as "hey man, humans are beasts, capable of literally anything under the right circumstances", and this is pretty much the same thing. saying you understand how something can have occured is not the same as defending said occurance obviously. this dude just…
the Wizard debuted Super Mario 3. You were excited.
deeply arousing?
wasn't the person Robin Hood is probably based on just some brigand that indiscriminately robbed and murdered travelers? because that's something I could see Russell Crowe doing (as long as it involves gay sex).