The Wide Ranger


The Titans Who Don't Do Anything: a KrakenTales Movie

Yeah, just remembering the great work he did playing straight man to Chevy Chase in the first season of Saturday Night Live makes me wonder if it's even the same Franco.

On the other hand, Franco managed to rule Spain for 39 years. But Spain has also been ruled by four-year-olds, so maybe that's not a big deal.

You got me wondering why that line is in the movie. Maybe it's so the couple in the car aren't complete ciphers before they blow up, but so they aren't especially sympathetic either. That way the audience is ready for the movie to move forward after the explosion, instead of wanting more of the victims' backstories.

As this movie clearly demonstrates: mad science is not a sprint, it's a marathon.

As one of my friends said about this movie: Tura Satana is good at two things — lounging and shooting. A misuse of her talents if you ask me, but she's still a hell of a lot better at lounging and shooting than John Carradine.

I'd say yes. The movie does a pretty good job of laying out how hopeless things will be in 2022, with a lot of the same old corporate/political corruption as in 2012.

Yell all you want. I'm just waiting for the pill lady.

I don't mean to come across as a film-photography snob. I like and use digital. There's just an extra sting here because film is fighting a losing battle that shouldn't be a battle at all. Film is not threatening digital, and film has enough merits that it should be able to coexist with digital. But that ain't

At this point I'd go for anything that makes an audience realize they're not watching a DVD at home. In a way I welcome the chance that film could become a niche format. It means that the audiences who care enough to seek it out will also care about watching the movie, and not about hanging out in a giant dark living

This is the opposite of warmth and vitality, but —

The skills question could go both ways. You're right — with digital, it's easy to shotgun pictures, rely on the camera to be smart, and fix things later. On the other hand, digital gives you instant feedback you can learn from right away. Did you blow the highlights or need a different white-balance setting? Learn

Everything Frank Miller makes is art. The rest of us just critique it.

That can't be the only time people have broken up over a Chevy Malibu.

What, no Berlin?

Oh well. At least Gatien got Chaplin and Keaton together under the same roof before the Legion of Decency shut that culture shit down.

Come on, it's not that bad. After I saw the OP's post I looked up "tripe". It turns out that andouille sausage is a kind of tripe! Yum. I'll never call tripe boring again, and I'll never again assume I can't learn anything from trollish internet posts.

I'm torn between getting this, and watching my old New Yorker Video copy of L'Atalante and thinking about how much better the Criterion release probably is. In any case, yay!