
Which dude? Me dude or the other dude?


I wish my life were so amazing that the worst part of my week were consistently reading some shitty internet comments.

I'm not gay but I'm also not straight and this column sometimes feels exclusionary to me. Then again, I'm autistic and just about everything feels exclusionary. Carry on, I guess.

This is not a valid inference. It is a formal logical fallacy.

It's only good when there's an even number of them.

Grape drink is for closers!

I think "surreptitiously" would be a better fit that "clandestinely".

They never did get around to assigning the sister character a name.

It's definitely up there for me too.

Made by bodyguards…and Charlie! It makes me strong so I can fight like a crow!

Agreed. The show only gets better.

I have to admit. Part of what's so funny about Mac in blackface is how ridiculous he looks. Just ridiculous.

I thought Pacific Rim would be the last big movie where the hype got me excited and then I was disappointed because, oh yeah, I don't like those kinds of movies. Then I saw Gravity.

Who likes that? Who finds that attractive?

Yeah, this is one of the strongest casts on TV right now. Since there are only five regular cast members, and all five are fucking fantastic, I might even venture to say it's the best cast on TV. Maybe even better than Breaking Bad (pretend it's still on), since Breaking Bad had a bigger cast which—while all ranging

The Gang sings together quite often. I forget which episode, but one starts with them all harmonizing like that.

As cruel and unusual as It's Always Sunny tends to be, I think the reviewer tends to think it's absolutely without heart. I can think of a bunch of times throughout the series when The Gang has shared in some moments of real friendship and love. That these somehow take away from the show (see the review for "The Gang

@tomandlu:disqus Fuck off.

Who are you and why do you presume such intimacy?