
I seem to remember that at the time, that Amerika was produced as an "apology" to conservatives for producing The Day After with its "liberal" agenda. I read about it in Newsweek, a popular publication of the time. Just pointing out that there were different points of view in the media at the time.

Ok. I haven't laughed out loud at a comment in awhile. This one did it.

Driver was really, really good in this. He was funny and game and clearly committed to everything given to him; for example, I thought the funny cat thing was good only because of him.

I haven't seen this movie and a lot of it sounds horrible, but…

For me, what takes this episode to the next level of reality is Matt's speech at the end. I actually think it's (purposefully) mediocre in a very telling way…telling in the way that Noel highlights in this article. I think if I was at that funeral I'd react with "that's a nice speech" but not necessarily be inspired

From reading the review, this feels like a D-, according to the AVClub standards, where F is for "must see train wrecks" This review just makes it sound like an especially lame SNL episode.

Second good article in two days. You're on a roll AV Club! (I mean, if I'm going to complain about the weak stuff, I should comment when it's a good article.)

This was a good little piece. Had a nice "old school" AV Club vibe to it and was cleverly written. There's hope for you yet, AV Club…assuming I stay away from "Great Job Internet" and "Newswire (now with no Sean O'Neal)"

Since O'Neil has moved on, Newswire has a lot more anger than funny. There was another piece on NBC.com.co this week that was similarly full of "scattershot snark."

Yeah, this article seemed a little like an unfunny screed from someone who was taking this way too personal.

Yep. And still today, at least Fox tries. Fails a lot, but tries.

Disappointing link - I was hoping for more a critique of the cinematography of this amazing, amazing film rather than a ham-handed, muddled political speech about neo-conservatives over some clips of Donald Trump being the jackass that he is.

Will, you're good at it, so you deserve it, but you have the best job in entertainment. Yet another great interview. Good depth and, as always, I'm delighted by whom you pick to interview.

Will, you're good at it, so you deserve it, but you have the best job in entertainment. Yet another great interview. Good depth and, as always, I'm delighted by whom you pick to interview.

Will, you're good at it, so you deserve it, but you have the best job in entertainment. Yet another great interview. Good depth and, as always, I'm delighted by whom you pick to interview.

Will, you're good at it, so you deserve it, but you have the best job in entertainment. Yet another great interview. Good depth and, as always, I'm delighted by whom you pick to interview.

Will, you're good at it, so you deserve it, but you have the best job in entertainment. Yet another great interview. Good depth and, as always, I'm delighted by whom you pick to interview.

Will, you're good at it, so you deserve it, but you have the best job in entertainment. Yet another great interview. Good depth and, as always, I'm delighted by whom you pick to interview.

Will, you're good at it, so you deserve it, but you have the best job in entertainment. Yet another great interview. Good depth and, as always, I'm delighted by whom you pick to interview.