It would have been interesting if the female lead was less traditionally gorgeous. (No offense to the female lead. She makes me laugh.) I realize that's asking a lot from TV— or HBO.
It would have been interesting if the female lead was less traditionally gorgeous. (No offense to the female lead. She makes me laugh.) I realize that's asking a lot from TV— or HBO.
If they could make a convincing arc for him to become genuinely less superficial, I'd be on board. Will still watch either way. But if doesn't grow up, it'll feel like a cheat for Stuart and Jessica to end up together.
Yeah, definitely. I got a crush on him listening to the old radio show. And wasn't there a few years when got a stylist or something, and he was all scruffy & dressing like a hipster? That was not the worst.
Agree with you and @SeasTooFarToReach:disqus . & tho I like the actor who plays Jessica, it would be interesting if she was less beautiful. His superficiality annoys me the most, so I'd like to see him grow out of it. I'm all for a Jerry and Elaine (or Andy and Maggie) friendship.
It would have been much braver and more interesting if he'd been matched with a not-typically-gorgeous woman.
Liked it. Predisposed to enjoy Smerch.
One of my favorites, too.
SNL knows women exist, right?
Most people in prison are poor and no dumber than the wealthier people who don't have to pay for the consequences of their particular illegal vices or thievery.
My pick: How they were initially totally game to read their slash fan fic then quickly realized how uncomfortable they were with it (What ep was that, btw??) Nothing to do with movies, but it charmed me, what can I say?
Good— This show needs to get hair & makeup awards! Like, all of them. So much character has to be conveyed thru everything other than wardrobe & accessories & all the usual shorthand Tv shows use.
The makeup artists are also amazing. Every single woman expresses herself through her makeup and hair in such realistic (& information-packed) ways that are usually whitewashed on TV.
Crazy Eyes makes me laugh— tho I kind of hope they do something more with her character to elevate her above buffoon.
I loved lanky, goggle-eyed Lincoln! Day Lewis would be jealous.
Yup. Comfort TV.
Peggy and Bobby are two unique characters no other show could pull off. Hank says something along the lines of: I'm going to bed. At least you can't control my dreams. Peggy: Do not tell me what I can and cannot do.
Also when Joseph lends Bobby his carnation and pins it to his shirt…. "That took courage."
Boil up some Mountain Dew…. it's gonna be a long night.
I have no idea if you meant "STFU with your 'agency' bullshit" as a supremely funny, ironic, and self-aware statement, but holy crap did it make me laugh. I'm guessing @avclub-4c22933415130955839224009df8641f:disqus got a kick out of it, too.