
Oh and I do. The rhythms of his language are like braincandy.

Great stuff. Finally got around to The Anatomy of Melancholy earlier this year, one of the definitely highlights of 2014 for me

Currently reading Stein's The Making of Americans which seems to be one of those books that totally rewires my brain. Absolutely incredible. Last month did Piketty's Capital, Broch's The Death of Virgil (great, but I arrived at it a couple years too late probably), Goethe's Faust 1 and 2 (INSANE), Blake Butler's 300

it's not that tough being a film cricket

I can't argue with solutions that include smoking meth, it's bad karma and the IRS comes after me

If it had read "amphetamine, crystal meth…" that would be true. But it reads "amphetamines" which is a group of drugs that includes crystal meth rather than a drug itself.

If Chris Nolan ever realizes he can't write/think to save his life, he might one day make a good movie (although I think TDK is fucking awesome if stopped when Joker leaves the hospital…it's the final third that's just brutally stupid by my estimation)

I sincerely hope that at least once, when video stores were still a thing, a clerk "corrected" parents looking for Meet the Deedles to rent for their kids: "I think you mean Meet the Feebles…."

let's try to get phone apps and youtube videos of cats licking couches in there too
people are fucking idiots

I want to say something about "Cat sticker-adorned mirror of the human condition Taylor Swift," but I feel like that already says all that could be said.

you catch that david hibert reference, breh?!

Back in the 70s, supposedly

a-and the bar for higher education's now that much lower

Unremarkably awful

I haven't heard of the postcard quartet but I liked reader's block and loooooooved wittgenstein's mistress

Oh yes, The Dalkey Archive was fantastic as well. Mulligan Stew by Sorrentino I actually preferred to At Swim-Two-Birds, but The Third Policeman is, like, inner circle for me. How about Harry Matthews? (my Oulipo reading is limited beyond that)

Yes (or even Calvino)! He, Cervantes, and Rabelais are all such aliens in their milieux!

Spenser isn't to my taste either, but my take is that when the reader doesn't like something of that stature, it's the reader's problem, not the book's…I really want to appreciate the damn thing and hopefully one day I'll be able to! :)

Yeah, what a fucking tragedy that a lit student should be assigned a pillar of literature. It's almost as awful as when physics majors have to learn statistical mechanics

Oh come on, those books are incontestably amazing. It took me three tries to get into Tristram Shandy, but that's just failure on my part.