
Thanks all y'all who voted in the prelims but I can't think of a better time to get the tournament proper up and running. Tough choices across the board.

FUCK YEAH, Community's coming back

My sympathies go out to you and your family. This is awful news and I hope you get through this okay.

I don't see what most people see in P&R. For a while in S3, I thought I *got* it but I've gone back to finding it kinda tame.

Final round before regionals!

Votes have been counted and the first round is now over. The polls for the second round are up already.

Kay, the bracket's been drawn and the polls are up. There's some interesting matches, There's an Annie-off of sorts and Garrity vs Radison looks like a tough one.

Dunno if this reduces the load enough for you but Noel Murray listed all the essential mythology episodes and the best "monster of the week" eps for new people getting into Fringe at the bottom of this review.


And here's the tag that put Troy and Abed on the map.

Was that an S?

OH SNAP! I just got why Annie was in the "Two Conquistadors" montage.

"You ready, amigo?"

He said girls have two peeholes!

Nice touch: After Troy says the "horrible breath" line, you can see him and Abed putting the tape back on their mouths in the next shot while Pierce is talking.

The woman I kinda like is out there in the moonlight caring about something stupid, and this is my chance to show her that I care enough to act like I care about it too.

Some of the words that Pierce has written on the blackboard include: Israel, forgiveness, muslims and Pocahantas.

I love how Harmon uses Pierce as his mouthpiece here with his story circles and "What is a story?" line.