
"I won't tell your gay son you threw a Tony in the ocean"

thinking candy is a frivolous purchase might be peak Dennis, well that and waiting for 18 year olds to turn 21

the principal was Martin from The Office aka the inspiration behind Prison Mike

he was my third cousin
let's not normalize it Jess

the Jeff Buckley version of Hallelujah appearing on this show makes so much sense in retrospect

"you run to the next pretty girl like Ben Affleck runs to roles with a Boston accent" Father Brah is the best

"that was a great day off"

Reggie calling Jughead Donnie Darko and Suicide Squad was amazing

it's kinda sad how excited Josh was about a single shrimp drowning in cocktail sauce

Lenny saying "I am the young pope" was amazing

Josh wanting a Sugar Ray tribute band named Splenda Ray was amazing

I'm not going to pay to see the remaining 14 minutes of the movie, I'm just going to Wikipedia the synopsis like an animal

it was nice seeing Judy Greer and hearing Jessica St. Clair as the squirrel

I hope someone got all the tweets on the news crawl
one that stood out ugly ugly ugly ugly #I'dstillhitthat

I feel like Andie MacDowell in Multiplicity, surrounded by clones
that's the second time this week you've compared yourself to Andie MacDowell

"he's from Florida yeah he belongs in the bad place

with that Mikero brew joke I get how Josh and Lucy wound up together

Dennis becoming Christof from The Truman Show makes a lot of sense

I loved Lenny comparing himself not only to Banksy but also Daft Punk, Salinger and Kubrick

"I'm supposed to do an escape room with my college roommate Zosia Mamet you may know her "
I hope we learn more about Maya