I also liked that Louie's shirts are not only bland but cheap, 4 shirts for $20 is a steal
I also liked that Louie's shirts are not only bland but cheap, 4 shirts for $20 is a steal
it's all circumcisable evidence
my niece plays dodgeball, she also calls jeans hard pants, she's 6
Liv trying to prove she wasn't drunk by dancing was great "if I was drunk could I do this? I could but not as well"
Jenny McCarthy said having a pet makes you live longer so I got my dog a cat
the I Don't Give A Fuck hats were very indicative of Homicide as a company
I want to work in the C+C Music Factory
Jake: go back to robot captain
Holt: meep morp
what's with your obsession with Ms. Pac-man
she's the sexiest video game character, she's insatiable Rosa
it makes sense that Maynard Keenan was Barf Edwards because Scott was kind of being a tool this episode
Scorcese has DiCaprio, James Cameron has Linda Hamilton, I have Rico
Liza was so cute with Charles' kids
The only man in my life is my Labradoodle Eva Braun
We're not taking a helicopter
you know I was going to say chopper
how could you be so certain there are no rodents in there when you didn't even know Jared was living there?
Hoobastank is the kind of music someone would listen to if they went down on a bartender for a round of kamikaze shots
Ben being such an idiot that he thought Cuba would get him coffee was great
I thoroughly enjoyed Here Comes The Boom
I was on the fence about Anton but after he insulted Swedish Fish he's dead to me
I want that job where you work 2 hours a day, and most of that workday is apparently playing with a dog