
He's taking back the right to smoke e-cigs!!

I was kinda "eh" on Franz Ferdinand until I saw them at this years' Coachella - they are a fucking awesome, tight band!

Louis CK *whistles*

Rowan, we'll miss you, for sure.

Devo's "Freedom of Choice". My uncle gave it to me when I was six, and I've been listening to it ever since.

Absolutely loved that episode but I thought that final line of Hank's was kind of a dick thing to say, especially after Britt spiraled out of control immediately following those words.

That's harsh!

Liked for mentioning "slam books"!!

For a minute I thought Bree OLSON was on this show

"Undercook chicken? Straight to yail. OVERcook chicken? Straight to yail". "Sister City" may not have been the greatest P&R ever, but that line alone keeps it from being the worst.


You're like a ship without a rudder.

So he was….


If you could, would you?

Ooh maybe some Carter The Unstoppable Sex Machine next?

As was I!

I dunno. I hate Skrillex with a passion, but nothing triggers my gag reflex like that bathtub scene. I'm getting woozy just thinking about it.

I really don't like Stakes is High very much. I know that's hip-hop blasphemy, but after the Prince Paul-influenced weirdness of the first three albums, I just wasn't prepared for a relatively stripped-down, straight forward album by Plugs One, Two & Three.

Oh come on, there's no reason to hate on Brandanoquitz. Re-watch his season some time and tell me he wasn't fucking awesome.