Is this the new Dome?
Is this the new Dome?
Not unless you enjoy the smell of your own footstank and wish to share with the rest of us. Don't. Believe me, don't.
"Thriller" doesn't need an animated special. "Thriller" is on Youtube for all to see and enjoy.
Knock this shit off, executive people.
C'mon, Jackie Hoffman, c'mon!
I'm talking about state sanctioned death, not prison murder.
Goddammit, Shia. No one cares about your fame or lack thereof anymore. Go away.
Oh, you saw that episode of Liberty's Kids, also.
There were so many methods characters were executed on this show I'm amazed no one was burned at the stake.
That's Garth Ennis for ya
Please let Donna Troy be in it
And he really had to go. Tywin Lannister was hogging the whole thing for hours.
Hee hee hee! Come here, pup!
Oh, good. I'm not the only one who thinks this. I was scared to speak up.
And Kurt Cobain liked Army of Lover's "Crucified". He and they win.
Of course, Ned Flanders
I'm sure Mallory Archer would like to have some words and potatoes with them
Can I get a Hell Yeah?
My, that Kate McKinnon is talented