
She sounds lovely and well adjusted… (and she looks pretty damn dewy to be 38…)

One of the things I love about the show is how well written (and acted) the villains are.
Walker - You can see that he is just on the edge of becoming completely unhinged and he's in a constant battle not to lose it.
Duffy - Scheming, plotting, methodical and oh so delightfully oily…
Boyd - So fucking smart, focused and

Lets see… the guy who bailed runs a website dedicated to "extraterrestrial encounters, cryptozoology, paranormal activity, and conspiracy theories" and says that "the break was the result of “paranoia and bitterness” among the trio."
I feel like there may be a connection between those statements…

Dunno… I think his picture gives off a more Emperor Palpatine vibe.

Literal hate is WAY more authentic than figurative hate…

What does wound care have to do with a rubber suit? I'm so confused…

Judging from her outfit I think the name is Icelandic for Vulcanization….

The relationship between him/her and Tig in SOA felt like the most genuine relationship in the whole damn series…

Given the dearth of actors capable of creating a believable southern accent, I was shocked to find out he was from the REALLY deep south…. Australia.
In his scene with Boyd, his need to belong was so palpable… and Boyds' kindness so seemingly genuine… really some fantastic acting in that scene.
Then that followed by the

Check out Brent Weeks. I'm halfway through "The Lightbringer" Series which reminds me a lot of the Mistborn Trilogy. His first series… "Way of Shadows" is an incredible first series. It's a bit harder edged, longer and more complex than Sanderson without being as imposing as Martin.

I loved it in the diner scene that Elias asked him "Are you that good?" when Art Threatened to shoot him. Instead of playing the badass he says something to the effect of "I don't know. I'm old and tired but from this distance I'm guessing I'll be good enough."
He played that with such pathos that it was ten times more

Why is Bobby Flay doing a Indiana Jones inpersonation at the top of the page?

Not enough guitar players…

A clown was walking through the jungle. Two cannibals ambushed him, dragged him back to their village and cooked him up…

I think the guy on the left is the night manager at the 7-11 by my house…

I, too, got confused that the challenge required each person to put up their own plate because of the blackened team working together. I'm still mystified as to why you would work with your competitors in an individual challenge where the goal is seeinf who can replicate an existing dish most closely. You are

I thought is was interesting that the episode with the least degeneracy was one of the most solid of any of this seasons episodes. It was about motivation and emotion instead of cardboard characters doing depraved shit. In previous seasons I felt like they did a better job of making the gruesome stuff matter in an

"Kids - always remember to wear your seatbelts…"

Insufficient bombast and scenery chewing for my taste…

Don't forget that 1) those were dog years and 2) the bigger the dog the shorter the lifespan and 3) it was a big fucking dog…