Count yourself lucky. Everyone in the States was watching the towers go down every 5 minutes on CNN then switching to Fox to hear Bill O'Reilly tell us how we would kill them all in righteous vengeance.
Count yourself lucky. Everyone in the States was watching the towers go down every 5 minutes on CNN then switching to Fox to hear Bill O'Reilly tell us how we would kill them all in righteous vengeance.
What do you have against Christian Nationalism?
Don't you mean, Last Action Hero?!
Zombies like their ivy.
I gave it 5 bags of popcorn.
That Kevin Devine loves the 90s and hates this is a good example why Gen-Xers take offense to all the 90s hate. This kind of shit does not represent what music geeks were listening to. When people are nostalgic for the 90s, it's not for Collective Soul or fucking Candlebox.
Moral of the story: Always go with front-wheel or 4x4 on supply runs.
Will: "Long-story short, Uncle Nucky, what's the moral of 'Ragged Dick'?"
Nucky: (Sigh) "Give your prick a breather between jack-off sessions. Everything in moderation, Will."
It's a trope even in the most serious of cop dramas, so of course in Arrow he throws away the entire hot dog.
Those shitbag cops from Sunny could learn a thing or two
The string of C-ratings has prevented me from starting this show. Thanks, AV Club! I have no time for bullshit! (Hear that, Mindy Project?)
Forget the comic books Michonne. Find us a wood chipper.
Willie is sitting on the steps of The Albatross. Of course he is.
just kill me now
The current audiobook for Sledge is perfect as is.
You can ask a Marine what the difference is between the USMC and the MCUS.
I know who killed me.
Let me put it to you this way: You might masturbate through Passion of the Christ, but you will not masturbate through this.
"Take that, Jerry!"
Soap! Spoke to soon… DOPE!