Hubert J. Simpson

Casting directive: No stars, just talent.

"There’s a distinct irony in the film’s heroes (Josh Brolin and Ryan
Gosling) defeating fascism abroad in World War II, only to bring order
to post-war Los Angeles through massive, illicitly sanctioned displays
of über-violence, sabotage, and destruction. But the film is too
dim-witted and enamored of coolly stylized


Bran: "I like to slip into Hodor more than Summer! (wink!)"

A SouthLAnd mention!!! Yes, Season 4 and Lucy Liu were damn good.

Peter Jackson of WETA: "This ass-to-mouth leviathan we are creating will rival our work on the Battle of Helms Deep. Oh yes. It will be in 3D."

Murder me

But Californication thought it was Entourage! Now it's sad.

"bug-out bag" - do you have one? If so, you are a douche.

You should watch the DVD extras of Chaos where the director and producer address each of Ebert's complaints. Well, maybe you shouldn't.

Where was Spike when John Singleton released Rosewood? I.e. "Jim Crow South was NOT an action movie!"

"Stop pulling my dress, you pervs! It's NOT a tearaway!"

"Stop pulling my dress, you pervs! It's NOT a tearaway!"

Will she team up with Porneau from Grant Morrison's "The Filth"?

Will she team up with Porneau from Grant Morrison's "The Filth"?

I refuse to believe that's true. I refuse to Google it.

I refuse to believe that's true. I refuse to Google it.

2012 is the year of heroic abortions. First Prometheus, now American Horror Story.

2012 is the year of heroic abortions. First Prometheus, now American Horror Story.

Are you saying DP10 will cure me of my faggotry?! Praise Jesus!