Jimmy Dread

I have the same sort of reaction. To me it's sounds like it could be a lot of fun, but then I see the picture of that guy with a blue face and a sleevless denim jacket, or a video of dudes yelling and hitting each other with styrofoam sticks and I'm like oh….no thanks.

Stupid: There's a line where the guy says "Are you a man or are you a dog?" Had a long running joke with friends that the guy was asking because he really couldn't tell whether or not things were dogs. We'd do a british accent and say things like "Is this my car or is it a dog?" "Am I watching TV or am I watching a

Modern society has messed up views on womens bodies. In the 60's Marilyn Monroe was considered beautiful. But today she'd be seen as a fat disgusting slob monster. A filthy blob of blubber that would make you want to puke. An obese pig woman that you'd like to throw down the stairs and break her fat disgusting bones.

Step 1. Make that joke where you do the step 2 question marks and then step 3 PROFIT.
Step 2. ????
Step 3. Kill yourself.

I keep meaning to watch this. I added it to my netflix que but then Amazon added a ton of HBO to its instant and so I started working my way through Deadwood instead.
I did watch about half of the first episode though. All I remember is thinking that his sister had a really stupid name, but I dont even remember what

To help you understand the hate:
-He isn't funny.
-He isn't funny on the podcast. I also listened at the beginning because they'd often have pretty solid guests, but stopped listening because I was consistantly annoyed by all three of the hosts.
-He IS smarmy, whiny and overly enthustiastic in the most annoying way

I'd like to see one of these magicians make him dissapear.


I enjoyed the second half of Dune more than the first. I found that it builds up the world in the first half and then kicks into exciting story telling in the second.

Dean Martin!
I can go deep on some Rockbusters. Even the ones by Karl's Mom.

Tandoori Millonaire?

He's the answer to one of the worst Rockbusters of all time : Venice. It's all water, innit? How would you describe it?

Literally hundreds of billions of women.

Scott Getthevanerman

Bring out the girls!

“When the people find that they can vote themselves ice cream, that will herald the end of the republic.” -Ben Franklin

That makes sense to me because usually if I'm going to watch a Mel Brooks movie I print out the lyrics to any songs in the movie, then when the songs start I mute the tv and sing the lyrics to the tune of mambo number five.

I read/sang this, as I also did with all of the lyrics to the songs in The Hobbit, to the tune of Mambo #5.

Let's see his birth certificate then we'll see whose throwing what around where if you know what I mean AND I THINK YOU DO

And I'm assuming Kelsey Grammer took the picture.