Jimmy Dread

And then what happened?

Silence of the Babies
Babies of the Babies
Babies of babies Babies
Babies babies babies Babies

It's just rap songs about turtles all the way down.

I would like to replace John Krasininisininski with Stephen Merchant. There is a clear need for a weird looking genius/nerd character which is not something that Krasiniski could do. Stephen Merchant has been great in the last few movies he's had small rolls in, was amazing in Portal 2, and is naturally hilarious.

He takes a tequila drink, he takes a tequila drink,
he takes a tequila drink, he takes a tequila drink

The point of the movie was that exorcisms aren't real and that this girl needed real help. It wasn't really about an exorcism it was about a mystery about finding out what exactly is happening between this girl and her dad. The scenes with the high tension weren't "oh my god what is this possessed girl going to do"

The entire movie is played pretty straight. The main point of the movie is this fallen preacher going out and showing that  there is no such thing as a true exorcism, only a placebo affect or  in the most extreme cases deep mental illness. You find out about the girl and her dad and this goes on and on very

He cannot be replaced. When he's gone the show show should just stop. Steve Carrel as Michael Scott IS the show. I know I will continue to keep watching it until they stop making it but I'd rather they didn't make this a battered wife relationship. Hey did you watch the office last night? NO I JUST FELL DOWN THE

I have a serious problem with the fact that Cameron Diaz's character is not named Day. Tom Cruise plays Knight, the movies named Knight and Day, yet the woman that tags along with him is named June Havens, what the fuck.

Suprised by all the hates
I think this could be a great cast choice. I mean yeah if the only roles Williams had played so far were Mork and the Genie from Aladdin then you'd have the right to be up in arms, but he's proven himself time and time again to be a fantastically versatile actor.
I assume Nolan is going to

The older games…
I had the first Toy Story game for Sega Genesis and it was pretty great. You mostly played through it as Woody in a sidescroller slapping your string at things, but there were a couple of levels that mixed it letting you drive as RC, run away from danger as Rex, and hide under garbage so as not to get

I love the idea that the way B.A. gets inspired to kill is by hearing a Ghandi quote.

Saw it last night and thought it was really good and a lot of fun. All the characters are really likeable, and the action scenes were entertaining. For me to really think an action movie was good there has to be at least one action scene where I go "Woah that was cool" and this one had two of those, fool.

I laughed out loud every single time he said her name was "Cynthia Dingus" and then it said "Cynthia Driscall" on screen.