
I really like Randall Park. I'd watch him in just about anything. But I saw Ali Wong's comedy special on Netflix and found it abhorrent. So I'm conflicted here.

He's reprising his "Smitty" character from The Cosby Show.

That's so very, very Wong.

That is so very wong.

Most of the reviews I saw were not positive, though there is a group of posters here who advocate for it. Just as points-of-reference, Rotten Tomatoes has it as 67% fresh and Metacritic has it at 65. I rate it as maybe D+. A couple of episodes rate better. But they are exceptions. A good cast and an idea that

The first two installments are just terrible, then it does pick up for a chunk of the season, . . before devolving again.

I thought it ranged from Ok to bad. The first couple of episodes were atrocious. Then it picked up for a handful, . . then back to atrocious. I didn't realize it was from the folks who brought us Low Winter Sun. But it makes sense. That was another terrible show with a talented cast.

No. It was Nixon who championed something like the ACA. Which kind of says it all.

Moderate Republican? That's a mainstream Democrat, . . right?

That should be its own movie.

The commercials for this movie couldn't make it look worse. So I'm surprised by the review. I'll be curious to see it when it is airing on HBO.

I kind of agree here. I love Mads as Hannibal so much that I want more. But it ended on a good note, and the show was really in diminishing returns mode. I'm okay with leaving it alone. Maybe an alternate universe cooking show with Hannibal hosting.

Season one was great. Season two was good. Season three was a beautiful mess.

If I remember correctly, Hank — and I do — you once said that your neighbor Kahn cooked the best burger you ever ate . . . on mesquite wood!!!

It's a neck-and-neck race to the bottom between Rhimes and Ryan Murphy.

Scandal and Grey's both should have lasted zero seasons. In a better world.

In fairness to them, cilantro doesn't belong in guacamole.

The "E" is short for Eviscerate

Is Roth worth defending? In a word: no. In two words: fuck no.

I remember being super excited about that movie because a telling of the battle of Thermopylae could make for an awesome flick. Dear god, what a freakin' disappointment. I left the theater stunned and slack jawed.