
Will Arnett or gtfo.

It's impossible for me to enjoy anything that includes Chris Hardwick.

I want to give him a Stupid Award. He's earned it.


Nader wouldn't have had a platform if Clinton/Gore hadn't moved the party so far right in the 90s. You are blaming the wrong people. The DLC/centrist/third way assholes destroyed the Democratic party. They are more to blame than the people who lost faith in them.

Because they sold out to big money and free market ideology years ago.

And what of the millions left in the cold by the ACA? Do we not care about lives that could be saved by actual universal public healthcare? The ACA isn't putting the cart years before the horse. The ACA is a giant leap backward for Democrats who once waged war against Nixon to prevent healthcare reform like the ACA

Exactly. Obama cut deals with AHIP and PhRMA and Chip Kahn before the legislative kickoff in the spring of '09. Who can forget that ridiculous staged moment when Karen Ignani "spontaneously" told Obama that the health insurance industry was with him 100%? The ACA turned out to be exactly what Obama tried to make

Exactly. They whined like babies over the ACA, ignoring that it was basically the conservative alternative to universal public healthcare to begin with, and swore to repeal it despite the fact that they had nothing to replace it with.

Obviously it was a dream. No Republican will support single payer, and many Democrats won't either.

I honestly didn't think there was anything that could make AHS worse. But they found a way.

I'm of two minds about this. I think it could tank out of the gate. Or I think it could draw enough BBT audience obligatory watching to run for a couple of seasons. If I had to bet, I'd bet on the former. Either way, it will be atrocious.

I'm still holding out hope that it will be re-titled The Bazinga Years before it starts airing.

No. It's awful.

It was David.

Is there a chapter devoted to Biden encouraging Mitt Romney to run for the Senate?

Then again, Ted Kennedy led the resistance to ACA-style healthcare reform in the 70s, effectively denying healthcare to millions and millions of people. Blood on his hands so to speak, using the parlance of the day.

Some Republicans aren't bat-shit crazy against LGBTQ rights. Hell, one of the infamous Koch brothers signed on to a Supreme Court amicus brief in favor of marriage equality.

Miracles was terrific. Too bad ABC so badly mishandled it. The pilot is one of the very best pilots ever.

You aren't in a place in which you have a specific expectation of privacy, such as in your home, and the photo isn't being used for a commercial purpose. Whether it should be illegal or not, it isn't.