
This was terrible. If it had lasted a full hour, I never would haven't made it to the end.

So Demi Moore is sentenced by a judge to be Baldwin's butler?

Maybe there aren't a lot of blind stars in acting. But I think there are more than a few aspiring actors who would be willing to blind themselves in order to get this role.

Does Pepe Le Pew count?

I want to see it. I like different kinds of shows, and everything doesn't have to be "fun" or "uplifting."

I've said it before, I'll say it again: Silent Alarm is the best album of the millennium.

I missed Land of Talk putting out an album. Can't wait to check it out.

So glad they put out another album. I love these guys. After a couple of listens, I'd say this isn't as strong as Forgiveness Rock Record. But it's good.

The CIA absolutely was involved in cocaine trafficking and the Contras, which involved shitloads of coke flowing into southern California.

Greg the Bunny.

Finally saw this. It kind of sucked.

Which is why they can get him on the cheap.

Wow. This looks astonishingly bad.

I liked The Blackcoat's Daughter more than I Am The Pretty Thing That Lives in the House. I thought Pretty Thing was worth watching, but TBD is a much better movie.

Clinton played the saxophone and walked and talked most of the time like a semi-liberal populist. But he did more than say a few Conservative things. He normalized the conservative movement in the party. NAFTA, deregulation of interstate banking, gutting the social welfare safety net, deregulation of Wall Street,

Yarborough was a giant and a great man. Bentsen was a sniveling sack of shit who did a lot to hurt the Democratic party and America.

Bentsen was also a sack of shit. He ran dog-whistle campaigns in the wake of civil rights legislation to advance himself and he helped gain a foothold on power for the so-called centrists of the party (i.e., free market, tough on crime, militarist assholes). Ken Galbraith warned us in the early 70s about the threat

I think one of the real turning points in modern American history was when Cuomo decided not to run in '92. That opened the field for the DLC wing of the Democratic party to move in and seize power. Tragically setting in motion the shit-show we have today.

She caused McCain to get his ass handed to him? Uh, . . what?

That's demonstrably false. She is completely substance-less.