
Yeah. Leak to the press. Head to prison. Great plan. He can share a cell with Jeffrey Sterling.

The critical mistake there is watching Anderson Cooper.

Jack Lord.

Jesse Eisenberg.

No need for face makeup. Shoe polish will do the trick.

They look almost identical!

It's hard for me to believe it is really reality show like if there is no script.

Calling them people is generous.

Comey was an asshole who never should have been nominated to be FBI director let alone confirmed, but firing him at this juncture is crazy and unsupportable. If there wasn't a need for a Special Prosecutor before, there certainly is now.

In cartoon form, he's Hunnamz.

Looking forward to Guy Ritchie's The Last Temptation of Christ reboot.

Nah. He'll end up fronting a Spinal Tap tribute band.

I think they would also argue that destroying a copy of evidence isn't destroying evidence.

I'd like to see a Han Solo/Gambit crossover movie, in which Han shoots and kills Gambit in the opening scene in a manner mirroring Indiana Jones shooting the sword-wielding giant in Raiders.

According to film industry insiders, the movie will only be shown at night.

The political right is more blunt and extreme about it, for sure. But we've been on a largely bipartisan slide for a long time now. Ken Galbraith warned us about it in 1970, but few cared about Galbraith anymore by then . . . until 2008's financial disaster happened, then we took him seriously again, . . for about

History is full of conspiracies. American history is full of conspiracies. Just because there are a bunch of tin-foil-hat-wearing lunatics who make up crazy conspiracies doesn't mean that actual conspiracies don't exist.

I'd settle for adding Tap-Man to The Avengers.

I like several Liman movies. But he gets a lifetime pass from me for Go. Which is one of my all-time favorites.

Except "Shooter" and "Queen of the South."