
Yeah, but even Patton Oswalt can have a miss.

You misspelled hares.

I thought this wouldn't be good, but was sincerely hoping it would be good. "C" disappoints.

If you stayed for the scene after the Jurassic World credits, you saw that the whole movie was just in Brendan's imagination.

Brick 2: Electric Brick-a-loo.

At least it isn't Colin's brother, Trevor Treverrow.

I assumed he was like a Flying Nun, . . except an attorney.

If he had to go to the bathroom so bad, why didn't he just use the little bag from the pouch in front of his seat? That's what it's there for.

It's gotta be Duff, . . right?

MTV and Ryan Murphy join forces for Scream Queen Latifah.

I keep my great-grandfather occupied watching CSPAN all day long, telling him that it is a new NCIS spinoff show. He loves it.

NBC should have aired a rerun of Alf at 8.

Did I do that? — Steve Urkel.

And that's where the fight heats up. The last assault on net neutrality was derailed in the public comment period. Remember John Oliver's rally cry on net neutrality: https://m.youtube.com/watch…

Canada's version of Fox News was going to be called Moose News, I believe.

Let's not forget that we we're well on our way to the death of net neutrality under Wheeler/Obama, and then people fucking revolted over it. Shut down the FCC site. Then policy changed. People will put up with a lot of shit, but fuck with their internet and it's war.

I heard there was something rotten in Denmark.

I'm pretty sure it was Mayim Bialik.

I want Ravi to have a nightmare in which he's just waiting in cars . . . while Gary Numan's Cars plays.

I hear that all the time.