Much, much better writers.
Much, much better writers.
This show was so bad that it was funny. In a recent episode, H.G. Wells traveled from 2017 to 1980. He took his modern-day love interest who is supposed to be a historian from 2017 with him. Everything she told him about 1980 was historically inaccurate. She even got who the President was wrong. It wasn't…
I liked it more as it went along. There was a stretch in the middle where it was just hilarious. Agree, though, that Barrymore is a weak link. I like her well enough. But she just isn't particularly good at acting, let alone comedic acting. Olyphant, on the other hand, surprised me. After the first episode, I…
As an aside, Thomas Frank's book What's the Matter with Kansas? is excellent. His most recent book, Listen Liberal: What Ever Happened to the Party of the People? is also excellent.
I don't know that he "likes" Trump. Saying there are "many, many problems with him as a human being," . . for example.
We're related.
Until this actually airs, I'm going to continue to believe it is an elaborate practical joke.
[something, something] . . . web of deceit!
Why are we so afraid to call them what they are? Radical arachnid terrorists.
John Oliver bought it. And he'll do something great with it.
Few Democrats think the ACA is perfect. I'm not sure any think it is. Even Obama said it wasn't perfect. But it has allowed a lot of people who weren't previously covered to get healthcare. And that's something.
I'm not sure it can be fixed, though. The problems are structural. Building healthcare reform solely on a platform of private insurance was a mistake in the foundation. Just think about the reason we haven't had legislation that advanced healthcare in the last seventy years: Democrats blocked large-scale healthcare…
I wouldn't mind if Luisa stayed on the sidelines.
I don't really mind that they killed off Michael. I just think they've bungled the aftermath quite a bit. And I don't really see how Jane and Rafael could ever end up together now. It'll always be that Jane chose Michael over Raf, and that Jane+Rafael only exists because of Michael's death. Michael will always…
Yeah. That was a misfire.
I don't like Chuck at all. Petra's bull riding scene was great, though. Of all the ways I thought it might play out, that wasn't one of them. Made me laugh.
The debate rages on about whether the procedure yielded any useful intelligence.
Just wait for her next video to be released . . . when she stumbled across an abandoned refrigerator. It's also her last video.
She's going to be traumatized for life because the robot just ignored her.
I think that is an early trailer for season 3 of AMC's Humans.