This makes me think of Al Gore's Manbearpig costume.
This makes me think of Al Gore's Manbearpig costume.
He looks like a trained monkey in a suit.
The craziest part: she suspended herself!!!
Yep. Stupidity all around.
It's part of the overall re-imagination of the whole site. They've completely dumbed down reviews, added food & drink pieces, and now churn out lazy political nonsense non-stop. I imagine it has increased traffic, but dear God the site is almost unrecognizable.
I'll be honest, I'm surprised the other half is soy. Pleasantly surprised.
Papa John's will respond with a Parker Lewis ad.
Sarcasm in response to sarcasm! You've blown my mind!
Recognizing your problem is the first step to recovery.
Oh, . . a musical episode. What a fresh idea.
Until the changed ending, Ambersons is a wonderful movie. I just kind of pretend it ends with the comeuppance.
When I was a kid I fell in love with Anne Baxter's Lucy Morgan.
That isn't what it is. My wife and I were definitely NOT team Michael. I just honestly believe the show has been floundering since the time jump. Sorry if it bothers you.
I probably wouldn't go as low as a D+, but the post-Michael era of the show just isn't working for me at all. I think the death and time jump was a mistake, and I'm starting to think it isn't going to recover. C.
How is this not titled The Lowe Down?
. . . and there's not a picture of a bee!
So, just edibles from now on?
I'd call it a crime against humanity.
Since when is that a career killer?
I could be Landman! I live on land. And I have superpowers. I have both 3D vision and sonic hearing!