
It's a little more complicated than that. The clock moved to three minutes to midnight before Trump (that was the closest it has been since before the end of the cold war). Since Trump, it's moved another half minute. Trump is the reason it is being discussed now. When it went to three minutes, everyone pretty


The Exorcist?

Both sides of what?

Orwell was one of the most important thinkers of the twentieth century. We forget that sometimes.

Sheldon Wollin told us it was coming a good while ago. He called it inverted totalitarianism..

Manipulation of language is an important part of social control by government. Some tend to dismiss Orwell these days on the grounds that he wrote fantasy fiction or science fiction. Truth is, though, that Orwell was one of the great socio-political thinkers in modern history. Orwell (and Huxley) are relevant today.

Because for the people who like the show, it hasn't been a slog at all.

That's it! These reviews are taken directly from Britta Unfiltered.

Hidden Figures would be an average network TV movie. It's a great story, and I wish someone made a good movie out of it. But this wasn't it.

I wish they'd bring back the Domino's tongue pizza.

I can't stop myself from laughing every time they say De la Vega Factor Factor.

I don't know. I'm unconvinced this is the right direction for the show. I think the three year jump/reset looks like a mistake. Hopefully it finds its footing. It's always been a genuinely likable show. I'm afraid maybe it is getting stale though.

Yeah . . . this just kind of sucked. Like somebody going through the motions, mimicking better shows. I can't even justify watching a second episode.

I thought it was Kramer vs. Godzilla.

This is good news. Now I'll be able to again start saying I ordered a Zima, not emphysema when people are smoking near me.

That cat is awesome. Looks exactly like one of our family's cats.

Let's not forget that in Brooke's season she made it to the final two without the benefit of LCK, and she lost to another chef who had previously been eliminated. And the finale she lost was a weird-ass format that has never been used again because of how stupid it was. Brooke is a good chef. Is she the best

Professor XXX.

Season 15: Top Chef Santa Clarita.