Trump told an aid to get Elliot Ness on the phone, . . ASAP!
Trump told an aid to get Elliot Ness on the phone, . . ASAP!
Ditto: hemorrhoids.
I've recently seen people snorting lines of coffee grounds in the men's room of a Starbucks. Sad. Very sad.
I don't think it works that way. Especially if race is your first concern in the sense of racial equality is your first concern.
The Grammys went to HS with a black kid too, and he was "pretty cool."
Flip phones have made a come back in the last couple of years.
I have a flip phone that I'm going to keep using until it just won't work anymore. I expect it will outlive me.
That's so very wrong. Maher and Milo are among the most insufferable people around. Whatever one thinks of Oliver (I happen to like him), he's nowhere near their category.
I'd love to see a duel between these two in which both are killed.
I don't see much difference from then to now. My wife and I finally caught up on episodes, and I think I'm probably going to step away from this show now. I figured I'd make it through season one and then re-evaluate, . . but I just can't watch it uncritically, as several others have stated they do. And it really…
The girl who played Lyra was wonderful too. It's a shame they made such a poor movie out of it.
I've heard that Ivanka Trump Craft Beer at Walmart is pretty good.
I only go to TJ Maxx when I need a parents screaming at their kids/kids screaming at their parents fix. That's about twice a week.
I bought a coat there once. It had three arms and a broken zipper. But I got it for a great price.
I really wish he'd just change his name to Gus.
RIP Carey Lander.
Yeah. Watching the final few moments of an episode of television is a great way to judge its quality.
Except this is a movie based on facts. Something that has been done over and over in movies since movies started. It isn't meant to be journalism.
Except this is a movie based on facts. Something that has been done over and over in movies since movies started. It isn't meant to be journalism.