She's going to get grumpier . . . if they ever do that sequel to Grumpy Cat's Worst Christmas Ever.
She's going to get grumpier . . . if they ever do that sequel to Grumpy Cat's Worst Christmas Ever.
Winchester University. Is this the long-anticipated sequel to Supernatural?
It probably shouldn't even air unless it will do that.
Why in God's name would anyone blame POC for all the world's crime?
I think it needs to add a laugh track. That'd probably amp it up for the underentertained.
Oh, yeah. Clorets are popular. Not Chiclets popular, but still a big seller.
So adding Clorets to gun powder was an old world version of adding Mentos to Diet Coke. I didn't even know Clorets were a thing back then.
This reminds me of the classic Onion bit about Domino's Pizza being a decades long experiment to test the limits of what humans will consume.…
They are tiny, . . like his hands. But they smell awful, . . like his hands.
Now I want a sitcom about MLK's ghost going to Washington. Maybe team him up with zombie Reagan.
Literally? None. Figuratively? Many.
Bombing first responders is not mistakenly killing innocents. It is killing them in hope of getting a bad guy. Ditto funerals, weddings. Or blowing up a targeted phone with a missile because you think the guy who had it a month ago was a bad guy.
Too few have. Code Pink. Scahill. Greenwald. Most liberals and Democrats largely ignored it all. Or spun it and justified it.
Obama supporters have largely ignored drone wars. They don't want to know about signature strikes, bombing weddings, bombing first responders, bombing funerals. They don't want to know about al Majala or any other slaughter of women and children. They don't want to consider that Obama successfully assumed the power…
They are certainly responsible for more deaths than most.
I don't think Putin should get a pass. Did I say he should? I think he's a killer. I'm just not so offended when people acknowledge there are lots of killers, and that the US kills too. Nobody gets a pass. Not Russia. Not Saudi Arabia. Not China. Not the USA.
I asked a question.
So he's more honest. Because let's be honest, American foreign policy has long been killing is normal and necessary so long as it gets us what we want. I can't believe the political left is getting all flag wavy and red scary. It's a crazy time.
Can't figure '56, personally. We overthrew Mossadeq in '53, and that might have been the single most significant act of stupidity and awfulness that seeded the field for the Middle East clusterfuck to come.